Youth Ministry Mission
SSBC YOUTH exists to make adult disciples
whose faith took root in their teen years.
It is our desire to reach the unchurched students in our community as well as the "church kids" who have been raised in the pews. We believe both groups need the same thing: the good news of the grace and love we receive through Jesus Christ.
When you (or your student) come to youth group, they will have fun - but, more importantly, they will find a group of teenagers who are being formed by biblical fellowship, worship, and the teaching of God's Word. In addition to our weekly Youth Group and Sunday School ministries, we offer a variety of events and retreats.
Sign up for the Parents Newsletter to keep informed of all that's happening (sent on Tuesdays during the school year and as needed during the summer).
Our Regular Gatherings
Youth Group Registration and Liability Form
Parents, please register your students for the 2024 - 2025 school year.
Gathered Worship
Sundays, 10:00 AM
We believe it is crucially important for students to worship with the church on Sunday mornings. If our goal is to raise up students who walk with Jesus throughout adulthood but provide alternative programming for them during SSBC's worship service, then we're short-circuiting ourselves and training students to view gathered worship as irrelevant and uncool. So, join us on Sunday mornings for church!
Sunday Nights (other than workshop nights): Youth Group
Sundays, 6:30-8:00 PM during the school year
Our Middle School and High School youth will gather from 6:30-8:00 PM on Sundays for fellowship and friendship, prayer and teaching. Our night follows the structure outlined below. Our students' small groups are a safe place for students to gather together with mature adults to discuss how the gospel transforms everything about life and faith.
Monthly Youth Group Workshops
Once a Month, 6:00 PM
One Sunday each month, we will host various workshops for students to attend. We'll kick off in Fellowship Hall with a few songs led by our youth worship team, and then students can choose which of the workshops they want to attend. Typically, there are two workshops offered per night. Some months, the workshops will follow a special emphasis; others, there will be a variety. Some sample workshops may include: "How to share the gospel with your friends," "Can I actually trust the Bible I'm reading is the Bible they wrote," and "What does the Bible teach about abortion." Some sessions will be offered multiple times, so if you miss it the first time around, you'll have another chance!
Sunday School
Sundays, 9:00 AM
Sunday School will resume on January 26, 2025
Middle School - Students will be learning about Jesus and His church through our study of the books of Luke & Acts. This fall in Luke, students will deepen their understanding and
appreciation of who Jesus is and what He has done by looking at this first-hand
account of His earthly life and ministry. Next spring, we will move to the book of Acts to learn how the Holy Spirit powerfully moved to grow the early church. By studying these books together, students will learn how Jesus' life, death, and
resurrection completely transformed the world.
Led by Mike & Laura Walsh
High School - Students will be learning 10 key truths about the person of Jesus. Throughout these lessons, teenagers will learn not just who Jesus is, but who he is for them. This study is meant to engage both the hearts and minds of teenagers and to show them that learning who Jesus is and what he has done changes everything.
Led by Melissa Busby & Jeff Demosthenes
Our Core Commitments
The gospel is so much more than an evangelism tool - it shapes everything about life and everything about ministry. Our ministry has adopted the five pillars of gospel-centered ministry from The Rooted Ministry as our core commitments. Here's a quick overview.
- Gospel-Centered
The cross and empty tomb are central to all of Scripture, so why would they be absent from anything we do in ministry? Everything we do - from the way we play dodgeball and the way we handle conflicts between students to the missions trips we take - is all shaped by the grace of God through Jesus Christ. - Expository Preaching
If the Bible really is the Word of God, then why would our students benefit from anyone's advice more than they'd benefit from hearing God's Word? Everything we teach is anchored in Scripture because God's Word is truth. - Relational Discipleship
Our mission is to make life-long disciples who either met Christ or who grew in Christ during their teen years. That won't only happen through ministry that happens in programs but through meaningful relationships that extend beyond the church walls. - Partnering with Parents
Study after study continues to affirm what Scripture teaches: Parents are always the most influential people in a child/youth's life. Our youth leaders want to encourage parents in order to co-evangelize and co-disciple students in partnership with parents. - Intergenerational Ministry
Secluding teenagers from the older generations might seem cooler or safer for students, but it robs them of the treasure that comes through seeing what the Christian life looks like at the different stages of life. Additionally, teenagers often add a fresh wind of vitality and optimism that other generations have lost. We want teenagers to be valued contributors in the entire church (not just in the youth ministry).