Church Leadership
SSBC is an elder-led congregational church. The congregation meets quarterly to discuss and make decisions regarding significant church issues like appointing leadership, establishing doctrine, and major financial decisions. The elders and pastors, supported by the church staff, provide spiritual leadership to the congregation.
Cody Busby
Senior Pastor
Steve Grissom
Associate Pastor
Joe Delaporta
Director of Youth Ministry
Jennifer Boel
Director of Worship
Ann Cox
Director of Children's Ministry
Kevin Keohane
Director of Ministry Operations
Karen Pinkham
Office Manager
Cooper Williams
Administrative Assistant
Matt Melvin
Facilities Manager
Angel Busby
Children's Ministry Assistant
Office Staff
The office is open Monday-Thursday, 9 AM - 5 PM, 781-749-2592
To contact someone via email, please contact the office.
The New Testament churches were shepherded by a plurality of elders. The elders (also called pastors or overseers in the Bible) have responsibility for the spiritual care and leadership of the church. Elders must be men of exemplary Christian character who demonstrate leadership, an aptitude to teach sound doctrine, and a pastor's heart for the congregation.
Read the "A Job Description for Lay Elders" blog post here.
Our current elders:
Cody Busby
Randy Aamot
Andy Bargende
Joe Bellew
Tim Ells
Kent Forkner
Adrian Hanley
Vincent Lifrieri
Dan Light
Pete Longley
Dave MacDougall
Conrad Spaulding
Jim Van Arsdale
Eldon Abbott (Emeritus)
Gerry Bennett (Emeritus)
Herb Hess (Emeritus)
John Sargent (Emeritus)