
Deacons Ministry
The Deacons are the “compassionate” ministry of the church. In Acts 6, the early church appointed Deacons to care for the needs of widows. In this same spirit, SSBC has a Diaconate committee that seeks to care for the physical/monetary needs of our SSBC church family. The Deacons are involved in the life of SSBC in the following primary ways:

  1. The Deacons administer a fund (separate from the General Fund) to help short-term needs of our church community.
  2. The Deacons assist the Pastors and Elders with communion and baptisms.
  3. The Deacons visit, encourage, and pray for those who may need some help or who are recovering from an illness. We organize transportation and meals as the need arises.

Deacons Assistance
You can join with the Deacons in this ministry. The Deacons can only respond to needs we know about. While committee members strive to stay informed, we need your help to alert us of needs we may have missed. Please feel free to mention needs to any of the committee members. Please contact the Deacons if you are able to assist with any of the needs below. 

  • The Deacons collect and deliver food to the Hingham Food Pantry. Collection bins are in the lobby. You can also contribute financially to the food pantry through your collection envelopes. It is a wonderful way for our church to reach out to the community.
  • The Deacons encourage any interested member of the congregation to participate in the meal and transportation ministry.
  • To give to the Deacon fund, please indicate this on your check or giving envelope. We are so thankful for the generosity of this congregation. There are so many amazing stories of people that you have touched and helped by your giving.
  • Inexpensive housing or donated cars are sought-after items.


GriefShare is a special seminar and support group for people grieving the loss of someone close. This group is sponsored by people who understand what you are experiencing and offer you a warm, caring environment of comfort and encouragement during this difficult time. The program is non-denominational and features biblical concepts for healing from grief. This seminar uses an excellent video series by GriefShare, support group discussion with focus, and personal study and reflection.
You can learn more or find a class near you at: