What time is your Sunday service?

Our Sunday worship services begin at 10:00 AM.
The service typically lasts about 1 hour and 10 minutes. 

What should I wear?

There is no dress code. On a Sunday morning, you will see a range of T-shirts and jeans, "business casual," and maybe even dresses and suits. We want you to feel comfortable, not that you have to "fit in." Church is not about what you look like or what you wear.

What is the service like?

Our worship services are Christ-focused and Word-shaped. Since the Bible informs our worship gathering, we read the Word, sing the Word, preach the Word, pray the Word, witness the Word, and give for the spread of the Word. 

Our music, which incorporates an eclectic variety of songs and instruments, places an emphasis on the corporate singing of the Word. 

What about my children?

We have quality word-focused experiences for your kids, too! We have age-appropriate programs during the worship service and at Sunday School . When you arrive, sign in at the Children's Wing downstairs with your young children. You will be met by trained, caring volunteers. 

  • Childcare for ages 0-4 is available during the worship service and Sunday School.
  • 4-year-olds have their own Children's Church during the sermon.
  • Grades K-5 can take part in Children's Church, which takes place during the sermon. 
  • If you plan to bring your children to one of our programs on Sunday morning, you can save some time by filling out the Children's Ministry Visitor Form in advance that morning. 
  • Youth Group is held on Sunday evenings from 6:30 - 8:00 PM for students in grades 6-12.

What is required of me (as a visitor)?

The short answer: nothing... just come and join us!
You will not be pointed out during the service or asked to give or participate in anything you're not familiar with. We want you to come as you are and participate as you are comfortable. But we hope you will be brave enough to introduce yourself to our pastors or members at our welcome desk!

Where can I meet a pastor or get more information when I visit?

On Sunday mornings, head to the Welcome Desk in our lower lobby! There is always a pastor or a church member there to greet you who can help answer a question or tell you more.

Brochures detailing some of the programs and activities at church are also available at the Welcome Desk or elsewhere in the lower lobby.

On a weekday, please call the office (781-749-2592) or email us, and we'll get you in touch with a pastor (the office is open Monday-Thursday).

What do you believe?

We believe the Bible is the inerrant, living Word of God and that it should guide and direct all that we do. We believe, teach, and strive to live out the truth found in the Bible.

We aim to love one another, preach and teach the Scriptures expositionally, and be a light to a dark world in need of repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.

For more detailed answers about what we believe, see our "What We Believe" page.