The Women's Ministry exists to glorify God and to equip women to serve Him in their relationships, home life, work, community, and church. We do this through the study of God's Word and by nurturing women in their personal relationships with Christ. We also provide opportunities for fellowship and accountability through small group Bible studies, prayer support, one-on-one discipling, special events, and retreats.
Heart-to-Heart (H2H) Bible Study
September to May
Thursdays @ 9:30 AM in person
Thursdays @ 7:00 PM via Zoom
Heart to Heart is weekly a Bible study and prayer group for women of all ages and stages. Grow in your knowledge and love for the Lord, deepen your relationship with Him, and let caring friends encourage you and pray with you.
Fall 2024 Study: God of Freedom: A Study of Exodus 19-40 by Jen Wilkin
The evening classes will be doing the same study as the morning group.
Women's Ministry Emails
Please sign up for emails from our Women's Ministry to learn about upcoming studies, resources, and special events for women.
2025 Women's Retreat
March 28-30, 2025
Women who are members or regular attenders of SSBC are invited to Made for Friendship, our annual Women's Retreat. This year’s theme is STEADFAST: Living as Christian Women in Today's Culture.
Charla DeJager will join us as our speaker.