
The word counseling can conjure up emotions and thoughts that take us in a variety of directions. Counseling comes from the Latin word consilium, which means consultation or advice. To give counsel is to give advice to someone. When someone desires counsel or counseling, they often come with a goal in mind. In many cases, individuals want to change how they feel, change their circumstances, or desire a formula so that change can become a reality.  

According to David Powlison, “Every counselor brings a message – an interpretation of problems, a theory that weighs causalities and context, a proposal for cure, a goal that defines thriving humanness.” The beauty of the message we bring is that it is the message of hope because it is a message centered in the redemption of Jesus Christ.  

Worldly wisdom knows the distress, weakness, and failings of humanity, but knows neither the cause nor the remedy to such problems. 

Without a doubt, we can see the brokenness in relationships and in the world. It can be overwhelming and draining. By God’s grace, we can persevere and live knowing the God who made us has a purpose for our circumstances.  

While problems exist and sometimes last longer than we anticipate, we want to be a caring presence to walk alongside you in the joys and struggles of life.   


We recommend the Boston Center for Biblical Counseling (BCBC) as a great resource and organization for those seeking help and hope.  

The Boston Center for Biblical Counseling seeks to care with a… 

Gospel-centered approach (the gospel informs their philosophies related to counseling) 

That is church-based (the church is central and pivotal to change taking place) 

And is clinically informed (the primary counsel begins with a biblical mindset while also holding in place the importance of clinical data and technique) 


Recommended Books by Pastor Steve Grissom

Trusting God by Jerry Bridges  

Addictive Habits: Changing for Good by David Dunham 

Descriptions and Prescriptions: A Biblical Perspective on Psychiatric Diagnoses and Medications by Michael Emlet 

Untangling Emotions by J. Alisdair Groves and Winston Smith 

Making Sense of Forgiveness by Brad Hambrick  

Marriage Conflict: Talking as Teammates  by Steve Hoppe 

Peacemaking for Families by Ken Sande  

A New Day: Moving On From Hunger, Anxiety, Control, Shame, Anger And Despair by Emma Scrivener  

Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands by Paul David Tripp 

A Small Book about a Big Problem: Meditations on Anger, Patience, and Peace by Ed Welch